Character Design

Characterization of myself

I was tasked with creating myself as an illustrated character. I was required to use different forms to create my character and to convey certain character traits.

Time Period Mashup

For this project I was tasked with creating a character that combined aspects of two different time periods in the world. I chose the Wild West and the Meiji Restoration. I combined elements of a samurai with elements of a cowboy, making sure it looks like it would still fit into the time periods I pulled from.

Existing IP Redesign

For this project I had to choose an existing IP and redesign three characters within it. I chose Cowboy Bebop characters Ed, Spike and Jet to redesign.

Creature Creation

For this assignment I was instructed to create a new creature out of two existing creatures in real life. I had to take distinctive features of each animal into account for this design in order to create something that looks like it could exist in the real world. I combined two birds, a Kiwi and a Toucan, in order to create the Kitou.

Art Style Informed Design

For this assignment I had to choose an art style/movement in order to design three characters based on the selection. I chose Art Deco as my style and created a protagonist, antagonist and a supporting character.