About Me

Hey! My name is Zach Kuta. I'm from Delta, Colorado, a small town on the Western Slope. I'm a photographer/filmmaker/animator as well as a comic artist. I also make tons of other stuff, from digital illustrations to posters, and a multitude of physical pieces. Straight up, I'm an artist.

As an artist, I find it extremely motivational to create things that other people will enjoy. I make some things for myself of course, but the look on someone's face when you surprise them with a beautiful photo, or a hand made painting is one of the best things ever. 

Currently, I attend Colorado Mesa University in the Animation, Film, Photography and Motion Design program. I'm very much in love with Animation, but Film and Photography have been an interest of mine ever since I picked up the family camera as a little kid. Since I've enrolled in college, I've gained an even deeper love for all of it.

As for the rest of my art, it's a great outlet for being creative in other ways and for sharing my love of being an artist. Art is a great way for me to share with other people what I think is interesting and cool, and if I'm able to inspire someone with what I create, then I'm never going to stop.